Thursday, January 20, 2011

Movies of 2001: My Fave Five

by Jack Garcia

5.  Legally Blonde
You gotta’ love a movie that teaches you something as important as “Bend and Snap.”  What a lifesaver.
4.  Spirited Away
This is my favorite Miyazaki film.  Beautiful animation and the craziest story ever!   I mean, her parents turn into pigs…how weird is that?
3.  Donnie Darko
I didn’t know what the heck was going on half of the time, but it’s darkly mesmerizing and downright unforgettable.  And now I'm terrified of bunny rabbits.  Even bunny slippers.
2.  Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
The first Harry Potter movie is such a classic.  And as a true fanboy, I think I’ve seen it about 78 times.  Ah… how I wish I could receive a letter from Hogwarts…
1.  Moulin Rouge
Baz Luhrmann is a genius.  This movie is a funny, heartbreaking, spectacular spectacular!  My whole family loved it so much, that my sister and I used to sing the “Elephant Love Medley” together at the top of our lungs.  That’s kind of weird now that I think about it.  Siblings shouldn’t sing love songs.

Honorable Mentions:  A Knight's Tale, Shrek, Monster's Inc.


~BeX~ said...

Perfect picks! I love all of these movies!

Joaquin the Chihuahua said...

Well good :) You know I try to please you!