Sunday, January 23, 2011

Movies of 2004: My Fave Five

by Jack Garcia

5.  Saved!
Mandy Moore throws the bible at Jena Malone shouting, “I am FILLED with Christ’s love!” and Jena responds with, “This is not a weapon!”  Comedic, yes, but also poignant.
4.  Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
What if you could erase someone from your memory?  Would you do it?  I always love Jim Carrey when he decides to do serious roles.  He can really be quite brilliant.
3.  Napoleon Dynamite
I was completely caught up in this cult classic phenomenon when it came out.  I had a “Vote for Pedro” trucker cap, an “Eye of the Liger” pink polo shirt, and I quoted this movie all the time.  “You’re mom goes to college!”  And it was made by Brigham Young University alumni with a Mormon as the lead.  It was like every Mormon kid had to love Napoleon.
2.  Mean Girls
Thanks to the comedic genius of Tina Fey, this movie about the evil tactics of teenage girls rises above the rest.  It’s also a reminder that Lindsay Lohan had so much potential!  But unlike her character in the film, it seems she’s become a “plastic” for good.
1.  Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Still my favorite installment of the film franchise, this one, directed by Alfonso Cuaron, was beautifully filmed and edited.  In my opinion, it brought Harry Potter to a whole ‘nother level of artistic merit.  It’s simply the best.
Honorable Mentions:  The Passion of the Christ, The Incredibles, Finding Neverland

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